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Archive for 2009
Asal usul nama 'TALI'
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Hola readers!
Blog kali in isinya lebih rasional dan akan membawa kita ke masa lalu
Blog kali ini menceritakan tentang asal usul, sejarah, asal mula, dan awal terciptanya nama panggilan aneh, tidak masuk akal, jelek, norak, kampung, dan (syukurnya) ga alay.
Kisahnya dimulai kalo ga salah sekitar 8 taon sebelum masehi (buset! Ada fosil ngomong) maksud saya 8 taon yang lalu.
Waktu itu blogger sarap, sinting, abnormal, gila, ga waras, dan tolol ini masih kelas 4 SD.
Blogger kesayangan kalian yang kadang imut, cakep, manis, dan nggemesin ini ( hueek, cuih!) punya adek yang namanya Bryan Surya Adhi Putra Tukang Buat Onar Manja Dan Pemalas.
Adek saya itu dulunya nurut buanget!
Anak baek lah pokoknya.
Dia itu kalo di rumah d suruh sama ortu untuk manggil saya ‘mbak’.
Tapi dasar itu anak gaulnya sama anak-anak yg gaje, dia jadi ikutan gaje juga.
Mulailah dia Cuma panggil saya lita.
Nah, hebatnya ortu saya nyante aja.
Seolah ga mau pusing anak cowo satu-satunya sudah jadi badboy, badung, nakal, ga bisa diatur, dsb.
Akhirnya, dia mulai mikir nama yang aneh buat saya.
Diotak-atiklah nama saya yang indah, agung, mempesona dan tiada duanya.
Akhirnya, nama panggilan saya ‘LITA’ dibalik sama setan kecil itu jadi ‘TALI’ sampe sekarang.
Itulah kisahnya mengapa saya bisa dapat nama panggilan yang ora nggenah kata orang jawa
THE END!!!!!!!

My perspective on life
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Some people always fake their self
They’d lied to their self
They said, they only need love, family, or enough money
They always said, “I don’t need much money” or “I can get better life if I stay with my family”.
Oh, come on!
Don’t say it anymore.
If you need your family, how can you give what they want without money
Their needs
Their educations
Their satisfy
So, the conclusion is, we only need money to stay survive in this mean world
You can afford what you want and what you dream
You can satisfy your desires
And many more
So be real, don’t fake your mind anymore
If you only need money, go try to get it
Get as much as you can!

Melee – Built To Last
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I currently addicted to this song
I don’t know why, but I think Chris Cron’s voice kill me
Then Ricky Sans’s hair tease me
Forget it
Here we go, Built to Last by Melee
I’ve look for love
In stranger places
But never found someone like you
Someone who smiles
Makes me feel I’ve been holding back
And now there’s nothing I can’t do
Cause this is real and this is good
It warms the inside just like it should
But most of all, most of all
It’s built to last
All of our friends
Saw from the start
So why didn’t we believe it too
Now look where we are
You’re in my heart now
And there’s no escaping it for you
Cause this is real and this is good
It warms the inside just like it should
But most of all, most of all
It’s built to last
Walking on the hills at night
With those fireworks and candlelight
You and I were made to get love right
Cause this is real and this is good
It warms the inside just like it should
But most of all, most of all
It’s built to last
Cause you are the sun in my universe
Consider the best when we’ve felt the worst
But most of all, most of all
It’s built to last

Sucks Jayapura peeps!
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Hallo reader!!!
It’s very long time since I stop blogging for my examination
Alrite, stop the bullshit now
I write this blog soon after I accompany my friend tou buy her new shoes
I passed an alley in jayapura which is full with seller and peeps who maybe only sightseeing or wanna buy something.
Then, I meet this stupid woman who blocked my way
she talked with her friend and amazingly she’s an adult who bring a child with her
She’s too fat and big!!!!!
Imagine it reader how I really angry when this happened
It’s a small alley with tons of peeps there
When I passed her I said “duh, ni jalan umum, bkn ko puny saja” (in English “ huh, it’s everyone alley, not only yours”)
I totally disappointed with people here now
They don’t have what I say BEHAVIOUR!!!!!!!
Alrite, I think that’s all my thoughts today
Hope can give you my other thoughts soon
Bye reader!!!!
Virgina Howard

Kueh putri ayu
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19 oktober 2009.
Dewi Susanti ganjil berusia 17 tahun.
Turut berbahagia az bwt memet t'syang yg dkit lg dpt KTP n SIM.
Jd bangga ni, krn jd org prtma yg ngasih kado k dy.
Wlaupun cm kue putri ayu yg d bli d kantin yg hrgany 1500 perak.
Tp, yg pnting memet snang lah.